Interstellar Anomalies


   This movie marks human final frontier of space exploration as a desperate mission to find another planet that can host human life. The production for this epic took its scientific research seriously to implement a realistic take on space exploration. 

Extreme Time Dilation

"Everything likes to live where it will age the most slowly, and gravity pulls it there."

  Einstein realized that time must be warped by large masses of bodies in space and is influential on gravity. The idea was that the stronger of gravity's pull then the slower time passes. Example from Kip Thorne included the surface of a neutron star has an enormous gravitational pull where time is slowed by a few hours per day in comparison to Earth where time slows down by microseconds. At the surface of a black hole however, time stops since the pull of gravity is too immense that nothing can escape. Interstellar depicts this effect when Cooper contemplates on returning to Murph the same age or younger than her. During his initial odyssey traveling through the wormhole, Cooper was in an accelerating reference frame so he was already aging slowly and locating himself near Gargantua has caused him to age even more slowly.
  Experiments conducted to test this theory was comparing clocks in different heights using the Mossbauer effect to compare the rate of flow of time. Robert Vessot of Harvard flew an atomic clock on a NASA rocket 10,000 km high and compared this time to the ticking rate on the ground in 1976. His result would agree with Einstein's law of time warps as Vessot found around 30 microseconds delay with the clocks on the ground.
  Our modern GPS within smartphones relies on radio signals that connects with a set of 27 satellites at the height of 20,000 km. Only 4-12 viewable satellites tells the smartphone its location by the signal's arrival and transmission time. The smartphone then uses these data to triangulate the exact location of itself on Earth.
  Einstein also expanded on that the if time follows this behavior, then so does space.

Here Dan Burns demonstrates the correlation of space-time warping by heavy bodies of masses at a PTSOS workshop.

  Robert Reasenberg and Irwin Shapiro transmitted radio signals towards the Viking spacecraft on the other side of the Sun. The path of the signal moving near the sun were changing and the travel time took longer than expected. This is produced by the Sun's inferred shape of space warp that caused this delay. The equatorial plane are two identical halves that bends downward inside like the surface of a bowl. Space warp also follows around a neutron star where the warp is greater, and a black hole where it is exponentially greater. In Interstellar, they added on five dimensions of bulk where wormholes distorts the area around it and creates a gateway to longer distance in the universe.


  1. Like a lot of your writing, this post is a bit rambling. For example, you never finished the point about GPS in smartphones being dependent on general relativity. You sort of left it to your readers to make that connection. You also quit relating things to the movie after the first paragraph.


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